"Waiting on sound" is never an option. This is Robert Albrecht, professional sound mixer/recordist with over 13 years experience at your service.
Whether a corporate sit-down interview, a run and gun documentary, narrative, red carpet event, livestream, or high end commercial, no environment is too challenging to give you the quality professional sound recording you are looking for.
Punctual, courteous, team player, laid back, easy going but decisive and quick-thinking, I approach ALL productions with the same level of professionalism.
I work smoothly and stealthily among cast and crew and communicate effortlessly with the director to bring his/her vision to life.
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My IMDB Page - http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3034562/

Worked on this Kids Choice Awards promo for Nickelodeon a year ago.....
Two films that I am immensely proud to have worked on - "Itzhak" a documentary on Itzhak Perlman the internationally known violinist, and "Who We Are Now" a powerful feature film.

Check out this DINGBELL commercial I recorded sound for below, starring none other then actor Mark Margolis from Breaking Bad...........